Add new energy to your online investment with a thorough approach and strategy |
| We support projects, innovation and entrepreneurship and create a technical platform for your ideas |
| Can social media and social networks in an easy way create value for your business on the Internet? |
| Get the right advice and strategy for implementing SEO in your business |
| Statistics are so much more than just the number of visitors to your website |
You are probably familiar with the situation where either you or others are having a hard time finding your business through a search on Google. Yes, well it works OK when you're just googling your company name.
Looking, however, for a specific industry or product specific keywords often have a negative outcome and is simply very disheartening.
You've probably heard a lot of fast talking SEO consultants or salespeople talk about how easily and how cheaply they can help you get to the top of Google, as their respective search engine optimization and SEO techniques are the best and much better than all the others out there.
Possibly, you've also come across one of the many SEO books promising you will not need SEO consultants or external expertise at all, just buy the book and read it. A lot of these books present a fair amount of common sense, and even though promising a miracle cure for your lack of indexing on Google, they do tell you about the basic techniques know to all SEO consultants anyway. But it's no ”Silver Bullet” at just € 199...
At WebHouse, we believe that the challenges of Search Engine Optimization are much bigger than the fast talking SEO consultants tell you. After years of experience in marketing our clients online, we know not to promise too much - and that we're never better than the next SEO consultant on the market.
What we do know, is:
- You need the right strategy and implementation of a SEO project
- SEO requires time
- SEO demands blood, sweat, and tears!
- SEO requires a technically sound CMS platform
- There is no such thing as a SEO miracle cure, only the correct and individual technique, that requires a great amount of commitment from you and your business, and good advice from a pragmatic, unbiased and trustworthy SEO consultant
So if you have some time to spare before you embark on your SEO project, have a word with us at WebHose - you can contact us today for a chat about SEO.